When his is what results from the first click of your camera you know it's going to be a good session. I don't usually photograph teens. I mean my own don't even let me come near them with the camera. But this was special. One of these girls practically lives in my home and my daughter in hers. This was a special gift for her mother. A surprise. I grabbed both of her girls and took them down to Main Street, one of my favorite outside locations. I think it was the morning of the Christmas parade. I remember it being just freezing. Remember how cold and wet it was that evening? Weren't we all just about blown off the streets mid parade? Anyway, we were fighting some wind and we were cold. We almost called it a day before we got there and I was sure that wind was just ruining our little surprise. But I came home and downloaded my card and took a good look at what we had. I was floored. Then I remembered that some photographers, studio photographers actually use fans to create that wind. Here I thought it was a nuisance and in reality it was just perfect.

This one has a little story behind it. No, I didn't drag that chair down town with us. As we walked behind the Heirlooms for Hospice thrift store, the slider door was open to their storage area. I'm all about the moment. I see what is around me and use what I can. I spied the chair and I begged the women in the storage area to let me drag it to the street. At first they told me no and I pleaded some more, "just three minutes" and they had a change of heart. We grabbed it and click, click click and it was back where it belonged. This was one the girls chose to give to their mom and it's one of my favorite "seize the moment" images.