Thursday, December 13, 2007

Liam | Grand Junction Childrens Photographer

Meet Liam. We had so much fun. It seems that, and I think his mother will agree here, he's got just a bit of the Dennis the Menace twinkle in him.

I arrived at the first of my Kairos sessions (a big "thank you!!" to Carla for working with me on this promotion) bright and early Monday morning. 8:30. That's really early for me to be out of my jammies. The absolute first thing I notice as I approach the house is this BEAUTIFUL front door and all of the light streaming through it. All I can think of is the silhouettes I'm going to capture on the other side. And this is how we ended our session.

E, I can't wait to show you the rest of them.


Saturday, December 8, 2007

The first post | Grand Junction Photographer

Well. This is it. The Blog.

I thought this would be a good way to get some sneak peeks in while I'm building the real website. Yeah, there's a real website. I *know* I've been saying that it's coming for a loooong time but seriously, it's coming soon.

A little about me. Those that know me know that I'm completely scattered. With four kids who wouldn't be? Yeah, four kids. Two teens and two babies. I love the mom thing so much that I started it all over. You won't see much of them though. Mom breaks out the camera and they go running the other direction with their hand in front of their face. That's why I shoot your kids. 'Cause mine won't let me. That and the whole idea that other peoples children follow directions better than your own. What else. I can't spell. Spell check is my friend. Always, always double check your stuff. I do my best work in my jammies. One of the perks of working from home. If you pop in on me, I'm probably wearing jammies and wool socks because I'm not getting dressed for the UPS man. I won't show up at your house in my jammies though. I promise. I'll just kick my shoes off before I lay on your floor to get down close to your kids. And I love what I do. Everything about it. I love getting these little glimpses in to every ones home. It's like meeting new friends every time I shoot a new family. It's like I have all these little nieces and nephews all over town because I'm there for all of the most intimate times of your lives. I'm always so excited about watching your family's grow. And being invited back again, that gives me warm fuzzies.

Okay, so that's me. What about you? Over the next few weeks I thought I'd show you the best of you. My favorites from the past. And from now on, I'll use "The Blog" to show you my favorites from your sessions.

And yeah, eventually I'll get the real site up. As soon as I get this html and ftp thing figured out. I'm finding myself a bit challenged there. It probably goes back to the four kids and scattered thing. But you all here will be the first to know when it goes live.
